24*7 Cancer Treatment at the best cancer hospital in Kolkata | nscri.in

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From the Desk of Managing Trustee

In June 2018,founder and former director Dr. Ashis Mukhopadhyay MD, DNB, DCH (Medical & Haemato-Oncologist) (1963-2020) spent every penny we had, to open our hospital. Our mission was to bring the highest quality of cancer care, world-class equipment, ultra-modern facilities and family-like caring touch for everyone, at prices even the middle-class could afford. With this dream in our hearts, our public charitable trust had begun humbly, in 2004 in a small rented building in Park Street, Kolkata, then shifting to a large 150-bedded hospital in Nayabad and finally, to the world-class hospital building here.

On 22nd January, 2021, NCRI’s Bone Marrow Transplantation (BMT) unit, at par with international standards, was finally set up. It was our director Dr. Mukhopadhyay's dream but sadly he had passed away by then. He had completed his extensive training and fellowship of four and a half years at Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital, Mumbai.  He had wanted his hospital NCRI to be just as comprehensive and a one-stop solution for cancer in Kolkata, as his alma mater is in Mumbai.

Today, being the managing trustee I am having the vision for NCRI to make it the most trustworthy, number one, one-stop-solution for cancer. Already, we offer seamless end-to-end services, from prevention to palliation, all of which, match international standards. At the same time, we provide a very warm family-like atmosphere, making our care deeply personal – something that is very unique to NCRI. Cancer is an illness, which often drives families into financial ruin. But we have complete transparency in expenditure ­– you know how much you are going to pay from the very beginning, with no surprise charges. I pride NCRI’s affordability with zero compromise in technology, perfect diagnosis, worldclass standards in treatment and care. My vision is to continue to take it forward until NCRI is a global name in cancer treatment for one and for all.

About Hospital

Under the guidance of Founder & Medical Director Dr. Ashis Mukhopadhyay, our hospital has started its journey since 2004 with all types of cancer treatment and therapies. Its mission is to cater to the poor and middle class cancer patients with world class and all modern facilities at an affordable cost in a professional and compassionate manner. The hospital renders therapeutic service for all types of cancer and blood disorders. it has a well-equipped and modern cancer diagnostics unit and a well equipped Nuclear Medicine department. The hospital also conducts research in the fields of Molecular Biology,  Cancer Biology and Haematology. It is recognised by SIRO (Govt. Of India). Now a days we are running a 150 bedded cancer hospital catering to all economic classes of West Bengal as well as other states of Eastern India and Bangladesh.

Why Choose NCRI?

Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Cancer Hospital is one of the best and dedicated comprehensive cancer hospital where all kinds of diagnostic and therapeutic services for Cancer and blood disorders are rendered. The Hospital caters to the Cancer Patient belonging to all economic strata with world class and modern facilities at an affordable cost in compassionate manner.

Onco-surgery , Radiotherapy, Chemo Therapy (Conventional Targeted and immunotherapy) and Nuclear Medicine  departments are well equipped and led by well-trained Doctors and para medical stuff. Cancer diagnostic unit perfectly equipped with all modern automated machineries. The basic and translational research department conducts research in the fields of Molecular Biology,  Haematology and Biochemistry. It is recognized by Scientific And Industrial Research Organisation(DSIR, Govt. Of India).

The state-of-the-art facilities of the hospital are:

  • Medical Oncology

    Under guidance of expert team of doctors, This division provides all modern chemotherapies, immunotherapies, Targeted therapies, Hormonal Therapies in well-equipped day-care ward and IPD. In partnership with the doctors from Tata Medical Hospital, this division has the latest chemotherapies with state-of-the-art day-care ward equipment.  

  • Surgical Oncology

    Equipped with an integrated surgical suite comprising of three specialized operation theatres, one operation theatre for delivery of brachytherapy & a state-of-the-art CSSD. All modern HIPEC and PIPAC procedures are introduced for better treatment and therapy.

  • Radiation Oncology

    High end Linear Accelerator by ELEKTA treatment Unit facilitates the administration of high precision radiation therapy targeted at cancerious tissues with minimal collateral damage to adjoining healthy tissues thereby, massively reducing the potential side-effects of radiation.

  • Nuclear Medicine

    Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine uses radioactive isotopes administered to the patient for treating cancer or controlling cancer symptoms.

Cancer Specialist at nscri.in

NCRI Health Video Library

Dr. Ashis Mukhopadhyay sharing his views on Cancer awareness

In memory of our beloved Founder and
Medical Director Dr. Ashis Mukhopadhyay 
On his 59th Birth anniversary our heartiest regards. 
We are following in your footsteps…. 
Always shower your blessings on us

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We are Committed to Your Wellbeing, Combining the best specialists and equipment to provide you nothing short of the best in healthcare.

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NCRI Publications

নামমাত্র খরচে ক্যান্সার সারানোর স্বপ্ন দেখতেন ডাঃ আশিস মুখোপাধ্যায়

dream to cure cancer at nominal cost

২০১৮-র জুলাই-আগস্ট। শরীর জানান দিচ্ছে গোলমাল ঘটে গিয়েছে ভিতরে ভিতরে অনেকটাই। তবু নাছোড় তিনি। সকাল থেকে রাত পড়ে আছেন হাসপাতালে। স্ত্রী জানতে চাইছেন, শরীরের এই অবস্থায় এত দৌড়াদৌড়ি ঠিক হচ্ছে? নির্বিকার মুখে হাসি রেখেই মৃত্যুকে পাশ কাটিয়ে হাসপাতাল-ঘর করে চলেছেন। জ্বর এলেও গাড়িতে শুয়েই পৌঁছে যাচ্ছেন হাসপাত

Health disease free women

Health disease free women

ইউটেরাসের মুখের অংশকে বলে সার্ভিক্স। এই অংশটি ইউটেরাসের সঙ্গে ভ্যাজাইনার সংয�োগ স্থাপন করে। এই সার্ভিক্সের কোষের ক্যান্সারকে বলে সার্ভাইক্যাল ক্যান্সার। ভারতীয় মহিলাদের মধ্যে ক্যান্সার আক্রান্তের সংখ্যার নিরিখে দ্বিতীয় স্থানেই রয়েছে সার্ভাইক্যাল ক্যান্সারের স্থান। প্রথম স্থানে আছে ব্রেস্ট ক্য

Frequently Asked Questions

Cancer is the uncontrolled and ungraceful development of body cells which attack encompassing typical tissues and may spread to inaccessible organs if not checked in time.

Cancer is brought about by damage to the DNA (hereditary material) inside our cells. Damage to the DNA occurs in every single typical cell, yet most of this damage is fixed by our own body. At times this damage isn't fixed appropriately, which can prompt changes in the properties of the cell (for instance cells may gain the capacity to develop and partition quickly). Amassed DNA damage can in the long run lead to cancer.

Cancer growth can influence truly fit people just as people in unexpected weakness. Individuals who are immunocompromised (for example people tainted with HIV, or on immunosuppressive treatment) have an expanded danger of building up particular sorts of cancer growths. Nonetheless, most cancer growths are brought about by a mix of components that may incorporate tobacco use, liquor use, your hereditary cosmetics, terrible eating routine, physical inertia, being overweight, and introduction to synthetic substances.

Cancer Doctor at best cancer hospital in kolkata nscri.in

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Our smart team takes care of everything. The entire team has been great to work with from start to finish. Our team is focused on target and best service.

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