Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit

Bone marrow transplantation unit

Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit

The purpose of a stem cell transplant or a bone marrow transplant is to replenish the body with healthy cells and bone marrow when chemotherapy and radiation are finished. After a successful transplant, the bone marrow will start to produce new blood cells. In some cases, the transplant can have an added benefit; the new blood cells will also attack and destroy any cancer cells that survived the initial treatment.

Our Founder Director Dr. Ashis Mukhopadhyay is the pioneer to perform Stem Cell Transplant (both Bone Marrow and Cord Blood Transplantation) in West Bengal as well as Eastern India in the year 2000. . He then started a Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplantation unit in 2002 in our old premises at 16 A Park Lane, Kolkata-700016 with an objective of a cost-effective transplant centre in eastern India to provide the patients of eastern India with the service of various types of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. We have performed 22 transplants successfully in the old premises till the year 2012.

We have recently inaugurated our modern Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit on 22nd January, 2021 on the occasion of Birth anniversary of our beloved Founder and former Director, Dr. Ashis Mukhopadhyay, our Hon’ble Mayor Mr. Firhad (Bobby) Hakim has inaugurated the Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit in his name.

Autologous, Allogenic and Haplotype allogenic Bone Marrow Transplantation are performed here at regular basis for adult and paediatric patients both with a high succes rate.

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